29 August 2012

It starts with a P

I can barely look at the pictures. Maybe you've been there, maybe you haven't, but you've seen all the pictures that I took of Paris. At some point, in some book, or on TV, or in a movie, you've seen them. So I hope you'll all survive the tourism onslaught that starts in the next post.

This one isn't too bad though. We left Le Havre on the morning of whatever public holiday it was and made our way to Paris. Our first stop was somewhat outside of the city though. We visited some Japan-time friends and they treated us to a lunch of all the vegetables—quite welcome considering how easily a travel diet seems to lack in greenery. We even left with a vegetable from their garden. I've got the pumpkin down to about a quarter now.

Late afternoon we drove into the city and to our hostel, dubbing the traffic circle nearest to it "the circle of death" on our way. But we made it in one piece, and were only too happy to exchange our car for the Metro from then until our departure date.

We found the Notre Dame at last light, and then we located Galerie 88, a restaurant that our friends had recommened. Note to self: split peas and cumin soup. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

P.S. Why do children grow up so quickly?

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